  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

Gun reform now

To: Rep. Skold, Sen. Chipman, Gov. Mills

From: A verified voter in Portland, ME

September 5, 2024

The school shooting in Georgia should be the absolutely last straw that galvanizes bipartisan gun and school safety reform. As we come upon the first year anniversary of the shooting in Lewiston, I am heartsick at the lack of progress we have made in addressing any of our problems or implementing any genuine prevention plans. As an educator, I feel this is a burden, simply too heavy to adopt, and it pushes me out of the field. As a parent, gun violence, significantly contributes to the stressors identified by the US surgeon general. And as an American, I am mortified ashamed that we cannot cooperate enough to even take small steps towards solving this problem together. You are all elected to help us tackle the biggest challenges facing us and gun violence is one of them.

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