  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Duckworth, Rep. Krishnamoorthi, Sen. Durbin

From: A verified voter in Elgin, IL

November 23

Trump's horrendous cabinet position picks are dangerously unqualified. People with serious sexual assault accusations and criminal investigations should NEVER be in positions of power. I hope and pray that clear thinking Democrats and even Republicans will oppose Hegeth's, Gabbard's, and McMahon's confirmations. Yet again, we find our country on the precipice of losing our democracy and all of our government institutions. The rule of law and democracy are under attack, as is our way of life. Like generations before us, we are living through an critical time. It is imperative that we get this right. Every like-minded American must resist this authoritarian movement, lest our democratic experiment ends up in the trash bin of history.

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