  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Support Biden

To: Rep. Strickland, Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray

From: A verified voter in Tacoma, WA

July 18

Please announce your public support of President Biden. Our party needs unity, and to focus on defeating Trump. The polls are all over the place, but his base is adamant that he stays in. If what the media is saying is true, and Democratic leadership is pressuring him to step down due to threats from big donors, that is chilling. How can we say we are the party fighting for democracy if we ignore the will of the people for the wishes of a wealthy few? How can you tell us then that our votes matter? Please follow the vast majority of your Black colleagues, who know the base best. Please publicly give your unequivocal and public support to the Biden/Harris administration.

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