  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Make public bathrooms abundant and awesome

To: Rep. Joyce, Pres. Biden, Sen. Vance, Sen. Brown

From: A verified voter in Willoughby, OH

October 20

We should require that all urban areas and public spaces, including parks and local governmental centers and places of common gathering, have many and adequate permanent, gratis, well-maintained bathroom facilities accessible from outside and without entering any other building. The adequate supply will need to be determined according to some general rules and inspection policy, plus local input. They should be handicap-accessible for each stall. They should have infant-care and diaper-changing stations in each stall. Each room should be bijectively associated with a stall, toilet, bidet, a supply of toilet paper, a supply of menstrual hygiene products, sink, soap, trash can near the toilet, trash can near the door, and trash can near the child-care station, means of drying one's hands, safe means of disposing of biohazards and needles and other sharp or dangerous objects, and a silent emergency help hotline/button and contact information. The doors should open outward and should have multiple locks, each of which will indicate to people who are outside of the room that the room is occupied. A public drinking fountain should be located nearby, but in a sanitary manner. These facilities should be well-maintained, clean, and welcoming. They should be required to be open at all times without any special access mechanisms or permissions. They should be checked every twenty minutes by public officials and should be cleaned not less than once every two hours per room; rooms being closed for checks and cleaning should be taken into account when calculating sufficient capacity. The facilities should have ventilation, adequate electrical and fluorescent-paint-provided lighting, and climate control, along with back-up power generation capabilities. The water and soap should be ensured against freezing. We should further invest in encouraging public culture which values and feels a sense of pride and duty in these facilities, like Japan's culture.

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