- United States
- N.Y.
- Letter
I’m writing to express my distress about President Biden’s poor performance at the debate. He has done an incredible job as President, however, this election is not about his past performance. Rather, the 2024 election is about the future. It’s about building excitement in independent voters, young people, and generally unlikely voters, to stop a force the likes of which this democracy has never seen. As you know, the stakes could not be higher. Therefore I’m asking you to use your influence on the President to have him understand that this isn’t about him doing the best he can. It’s about literally saving the country from losing our democracy to a resentful populous who have been lulled into believing that they are victims, and that they need a strong man to come and save them. And as we know, their strong man will do absolutely anything for more and more power. Please do what you can to convince President Biden that the best thing he can do to serve his country is to step out of the race and make room for someone who can win.
I am a registered Democrat and I’ve been voting Democrat for 36 years. I will NOT vote for Joe Biden.