  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Goldman

From: A constituent in New York, NY

July 1

Congress is about to vote on a proposal to make big cuts to SNAP (the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - also known as food stamps). Nearly two million people--many of whom are children--would be bumped out of the program. This is unacceptable. Nearly one in five children live in households that can’t consistently afford enough food. Proposed cuts to SNAP would hit working families with kids and older Americans the most. As many as 210,000 children would also lose access to free school lunches and breakfasts because eligibility for those meals is tied to their family's receipt of food-stamp benefits. (CBPP analysis) SNAP is a critical program for families struggling to make ends meet! This is unacceptable. Congress should not balance the budget on the backs of kids! There’s too much to lose. Please protect and strengthen SNAP and save this critical program that is essential for families struggling to make ends meet!

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