  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

Balanced approach to online content regulation needed

To: Pres. Biden, Rep. Tiffany, Sen. Baldwin, Sen. Johnson

From: A verified voter in Hudson, WI

July 17

The increasing push to restrict and even criminalize online pornography raises significant concerns about free speech and personal liberty. While shielding children from age-inappropriate content is a valid goal, blanket bans and harsh penalties risk violating the rights of consenting adults. A more balanced approach would empower internet service providers with tools to allow responsible parents to filter and monitor content for their own households based on their values. Criminalizing the adult entertainment industry itself is an extreme overreach that disregards personal freedoms. We should explore pragmatic solutions that respect free expression while giving families appropriate discretion over what enters their homes. Please commit to protecting the free speech of adults.

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