  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

No to Virtual Nomination!

To: Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Suozzi

From: A constituent in Mineola, NY

July 17

The stakes remain incredibly high and the need for a leader who can inspire confidence and effectively address our nation’s pressing challenges is more urgent than ever. Recent developments have raised significant concerns. It has come to light that the DNC is attempting to fast-track the nomination of President Biden through a virtual nomination process. We must not allow this to happen. Such a move undermines the democratic principles our party stands for and risks alienating a significant portion of our voter base who are calling for a new candidate. The Democratic Party is losing credibility as the defender of democracy when it appears to be forcing the nomination of President Biden despite clear constituent demand for change. This perception of a lack of transparency and responsiveness to the electorate’s wishes could severely impact our chances in the upcoming election, potentially leading to a resurgence of support for Donald Trump. We need robust and capable leadership that can unite the party and galvanize the electorate. I urge you to use your influence and position to advocate for necessary changes within our party’s leadership process. It is imperative that we act swiftly and thoughtfully to present the best possible candidate to the American people, ensuring that we maintain and grow our support base. I look forward to seeing proactive steps taken to secure a prosperous future for our country.

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