  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

For democracy's sake, Biden should step aside for stronger candidate.

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla, Rep. Lee, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Oakland, CA

July 2

The future of American democracy rests on the 2024 presidential election. After the Supreme Court's disastrous ruling granting blanket immunity to former presidents, the only remaining check on potential authoritarianism is the ballot box. Biden's recent debate performance has raised serious doubts about his capacity to take on this immense challenge. His apparent cognitive decline and inability to reassure the electorate is a devastating liability that jeopardizes the nation's democratic institutions. For the sake of protecting democracy, it is crucial that Democrats field a strong candidate who can defeat Trump. Biden stepping aside to allow a new nominee would be an act of patriotism that prioritizes the country's wellbeing over personal interests. A vibrant and electable Democratic candidate is essential to prevent further erosion of democratic norms and preserve America's founding principles. The risks of moving forward with Biden's candidacy in this pivotal election are simply too great.

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