End the Genocide
  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

End the Genocide

To: Rep. Khan, Sen. Hughes, Gov. Shapiro

From: A constituent in Philadelphia, PA

May 10

It is shameful that the University of Pennsylvania has been allowed to discriminate against 6 students, practicing their first amendment rights, by suspending them. The fact that this comes along with the Governor publicly calling for UPenn to break up the encampment is utterly disgraceful. Students are rightly pointing our state and country the humanity of Palestinians. Leaders like President Biden and Pennsylvania's Governor obviously believe otherwise. Rafah is dying. It is horrific. I am emailing to demand that PA divest of all genocidal investments, all investments and bonds with the state of Israel, immediately. I am further asking that those I voted for, Senator Hughes, Representative Khan, and Governor Shapiro, put pressure on Biden and their fellow government officials to end this genocide. Biden's racist Zionism has ensured that Palestine is now entering the final stages of genocide, with or without our support. His red line is too little too late. We must use our power for good to save as many children in Rafah as can still be saved. What is your plan to stop this genocide???? I demand that you call on UPenn to reinstate its student protestors, and that you develop a plan for your office to do everything it can to help Gaza and end the Palestinian apartheid

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