Protecting Access to Medication Abortion and Repealing the Comstock Act
  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Protecting Access to Medication Abortion and Repealing the Comstock Act

To: Rep. Auchincloss, Sen. Markey, Sen. Warren

From: A constituent in Newton, MA

April 23

The outdated, regressive Comstock Act’s bars on delivering “obscene, lewd or lascivious material” through the mail must not be used to impose a ban on access to medication abortion. As a supporter of reproductive rights, I am calling on Congress to pass the Protecting Access to Medication Abortion Act (S. 237/H.R.767) to ensure the legality of mifepristone and guarantee it will remain available through telehealth and mail-order pharmacies, and for a repeal of the Comstock Act to put this threat to bodily autonomy and freedom down for good.

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