Elizabeth Warren


  1. United States
  2. Massachusetts
  3. Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Sen. Elizabeth Warren

% Approval
Map PinBurlington, MA

Oppose Kids Online Safety Act, uphold free speech and privacy

I urge you to oppose the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA). While protecting young people online is a laudable goal, KOSA poses serious risks to free expression and privacy on the internet. The "duty of care" provision in KOSA would effectively give the government sweeping power to decide what online co

Verified VoterNorth Easton, MA

Codify SAVE plan to provide student loan relief

The recent federal appeals court ruling blocking the implementation of the Biden administration's SAVE plan is a significant setback for millions of student loan borrowers struggling with unaffordable monthly payments. This plan, aimed at lowering monthly payments and providing a faster path towards

Map PinLowell, MA

Pick a Candidate and Get to Work!

The Republicans are united around Trump and the media is reporting and acting as if it is a forgone conclusion that Trump and Republicans will win in November. And what is the Democratic Party doing? In fighting about who the candidate should be and wasting precious time. Make a decision and then ge

Map PinBeverly, MA

I am writing out of concern for how much of the democratic party has turned on Biden since the debate. As a democrat I feel more demoralized seeing the party turn on him so close to the election than I did during those 90 minutes. Please call on your colleagues to pledge their support for Biden loud

Map PinBrighton, MA

Yes, reform SCOTUS, but campaign on abortion and Project 2025 first

I was pleased to see the news that President Biden is planning on unveiling a plan to reform the Supreme Court. It's about damn time. Let's just hope it's not too late. Having said that, The Supreme Court is actually only the third most important issue you all should be campaigning on between now an

Map PinLowell, MA

Make A Decision Now!

I am writing to you all yet again about the election and President Biden. Democrats either need to get on board with supporting him or pick another candidate but it needs to happen NOW! Enough is enough and this election is far too important for these games. I plan on supporting whoever the Democrat

Map PinLeominster, MA

New Democratic nominee needed to defeat Trump in 2024

Demand new Democratic nominee for 2024 presidential election: The Democratic National Committee must nominate someone other than President Biden in an open primary process. Biden's struggles during the 2024 campaign, including his poor debate performance and growing intraparty revolt against his can

Map PinWestford, MA

Today we learned that Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the classified documents case against Donald Trump based on the legitimacy of special counsel appointments. This CANNOT stand! It MUST NOT stand! YOU are our only voice in our government. YOU MUST ADRESS THIS IMMEDIATELY.

Map PinLeominster, MA

Impeach corrupt Supreme Court justices to uphold judicial ethics.

The actions of Justices Thomas and Alito have threatened the integrity and impartiality of the Supreme Court through their egregious ethical breaches and failure to recuse themselves from cases despite clear personal and financial conflicts of interest. Their yearslong pattern of accepting lavish gi

Map PinBrighton, MA

Get out there and fight for our democracy!

Every single Democratic politician should be responding to every single question from a journalist about Biden's fitness for office by asking why their outlet isn't covering Trump's unfitness. "Trump wants to end American democracy and be a fascist dictator, and you're worried about Biden's stutter.

Map PinLincoln, MA

Stop Joe Biden

Biden needs to step aside. So many people I know, who are democrats, no longer believe in his candidacy. This is crazy to watch. Please do something. We can’t lose to Trump in November.

Map PinBrighton, MA

You need to "Unpack the Court", right now!

Please, I am begging you, listen to what noted historian Kevin M. Kruse has to say in his recent article entitled "Unpacking the Court" (https://kevinmkruse.substack.com/p/unpacking-the-court). Here's a summary: the current situation is not the same as the situation FDR was dealing with in 1937. The

Map PinSomerville, MA

President Biden must step aside

I’m writing to request that you publicly call for President Biden to step down from his campaign. While I respect his accomplishments over his career and these past 4 years, we must win in November, and he does not offer a path to do so. Nominating someone who can take the fight to Donald Trump and

Map PinLowell, MA

Please Support Biden!

I feel the need to write to you all again regarding President Biden. My frustration level with the Democratic Party is reaching critical. I beg you all to stop the infighting about Biden and get on board with supporting his candidacy. It is too late to make another selection. Focus on his administra

Verified VoterSalem, MA

Asking Senator Warren to talk some sense into President Biden

I supported your campaign for president and I have long supported Joe Biden, but what’s at stake is too risky to continue to hope he has what it takes to defeat Donald Trump. Our lives and our children’s lives are at stake. Please, please publicly suggest that President Biden step aside. A new candi

Map PinBrighton, MA

We're in an emergency, please act like it

The Republicans in Congress have attempted to repeal the Affordable Care Act at least 70 times. In contrast, Democrats in the Senate have attempted to codify abortion rights... once. Is it any wonder that Republicans are winning the PR war? Symbolic votes matter. Putting pressure on the Republicans

Map PinBrighton, MA

Thanks for supporting Biden, now more is needed

I am glad to see Senator Warren and Representative Pressley in the news supporting President Biden. Thank you to you both for doing the right thing. Senator Markey, I'm disappointed to see that you're still holding out. President Biden has been a good president and deserves our support. Withdrawing

Map PinBrighton, MA

Please give Biden your full support NOW

I would be lying if I said I wasn't alarmed by President Biden's debate performance. However, he is a good president who has surrounded himself with good people, and I know he will do the same in his second term. I also know that replacing him with a different candidate this close to the election is

Map PinBrighton, MA

You should be laying the groundwork now for success next year

I want to make sure you are not confusing winning the election with saving our democracy. To be sure, taking control of Congress and keeping the White House are essential if we are to begin to undo the damage done by the GOP and pull the country back from the brink. But while those steps are absolut

Map PinBrighton, MA

What are you doing about the GOP's openly violent threats?

A few days ago the GOP nominee for governor, Mark Robinson, gave a speech in which he said, "Some folks need killing! It's a matter of necessity." Read that again. "Some folks need killing." An explicit threat of violence against political opponents. This isn't a fringe GOP position, it's their main

Map PinLowell, MA

I support Biden and so should you!

I am becoming increasingly frustrated with Democrats at this point. President Biden certainly had his challenges at the debate. But it is TOO LATE to be talking about forcing him to step aside. Who is the alternative at this point? The entire party should be uniting around Biden in order to defeat T

Map PinBrighton, MA

What have you done today to save democracy?

What have you done today to save American democracy? This is not a rhetorical question, and I am not speaking hyperbolically. We are on the precipice of a fascist takeover of our country. Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts said on Tuesday that we are in the midst of a "second American Revol

Map PinBrighton, MA

It's now or never: save our democracy!

Here is what I read on social media this morning: "The Democrats’ plan if they win in November is to drink a beer and pretend they saved democracy, and then pretend the government continues to function traditionally." "The Republicans' plan is quite literally to deploy thousands of police and Nation

Map PinQuincy, MA

Reform Section 230 to protect users and incentivize safety

Social media platforms have become enormous drivers of societal discourse and communication, wielding immense influence and power. However, their approach to moderating harmful content and preventing exploitation on their sites has been woefully inadequate. Section 230 of the Communications Decency

Map PinBrighton, MA

I watched President Biden's statement last night about the Supreme Court's immunity decision. I liked what he said, but I'm intensely concerned about what he didn't say. Biden is making the same mistake that Democrats have made over and over: while Republicans are ready and willing to do anything an

Map PinWaltham, MA

Safeguard democracy - close presidential immunity loophole

The Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity represents a concerning abdication of its duty to uphold the foundational principle that no one is above the law. This ruling undermines our democratic system of checks and balances and further erodes faith in the Court itself. To restore account

Map PinWestford, MA

Today’s SCOTUS ruling granting POTUS immunity for crimes committed as “official acts” presents an existential threat to our country. You, and you alone are the only defense we citizens have left, now that the rule of law has been bent. You MUST move forward on articles of impeachment for these just

Map PinSandisfield, MA

There is absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind that Donald Trump will win the presidency if a better candidate for the Democrats is not chosen; President Biden needs to do what’s right for this country and step down, letting a better candidate take his place in the run for presidency. Biden is not go

Map PinLeominster, MA

Democratic Party Should Consider Open Convention for Optimal Nominee

The recent presidential debate has raised significant concerns about President Biden's ability to effectively lead the nation and run a successful re-election campaign. His performance during the debate was concerning, and it has become increasingly clear that he may not be the strongest candidate t

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