  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

End the supply of weapons to Israel.

To: Pres. Biden, Rep. Pocan, Sen. Johnson, Sen. Baldwin

From: A constituent in Verona, WI

June 26

More than 20 percent of children in Gaza go without eating for entire days, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has said, warning that the risk of famine remains high. President Biden continues to supply and fund Israel while knowing since October 2023 that Israel has been targeting civilians. On May 14, he approved another one billion dollars to fund weapons for Israel. This is continued participation in Israel’s genocide of Palestinians and a violation of Leahy Law, which prohibits our government from funding foreign forces who are implicated in gross human rights violations. Americans see daily in the nightly mews, the photographs and videos of how Israel’s gross human rights violations and war crimes are genocidal acts, including their targeting of hospitals and healthcare workers, targeting journalists and civilians, using starvation as a weapon, etc. Israeli government officials have repeatedly expressed genocidal intent. Sites of learning, culture, and historical memory — universities, mosques, churches, museums — have been decimated. The Gaza Strip's ability to produce food and clean water has been almost completely destroyed by Israeli airstrikes and bulldozers have razed farms and orchards. Mass graves with evidence of torture and summary execution continue to be unearthed every week. Israel is ignoring the I.C.J. ruling on May 24 to halt the offensive on Rafah. The U.S. stands alone in vetoing Palestine’s request for U.N. membership. The U.S. continues to ignore the U.N. resolution on March 25 for a ceasefire. As people of conscience, we will not ignore this. I am demanding you to take immediate steps to stop Israel’s genocide of Palestinians by calling for 1) a total and permanent bilateral ceasefire (which is what a ceasefire is), 2) humanitarian aid allowed to enter Gaza, 3) an end to Israel's siege on Gaza, 4) the release of all Palestinian and Israeli hostages, 5) no more weapons or funding to the Israeli military, 6) the reinstatement of U.N.R.W.A funding. A permanent ceasefire is an absolutely critical step to ensuring everlasting liberation and peace. The I.C.J. ruled that Israel should do everything in its power to prevent genocide. Never again means never again for anyone. Palestinians deserve to live with freedom and safety which means first stopping this genocide and then ensuring an end to occupation and apartheid. The liberation and safety of Palestinians (both Christian and Muslim), Israelis, Jewish people, and Muslim people are intertwined. There can only be true safety when there is accountability, justice and an end to the occupation.

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