  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

Fix scotus now

To: Rep. Golden, Sen. King, Sen. Collins

From: A verified voter in Lewiston, ME

July 10

The scotus presidential immunity decision is a disaster for our democracy. Scotus has lost all legitimacy by its capricious rulings disregarding precedent and showing that justices' statements about stare decisis were lies. And then there is the ever growing lists of gifts received by th justices. They are accountable to no one. "A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody." — Thomas Paine, 1791 It's time for Congress to act. Fix the court by expanding it. Legislate to stop presidential immunity and protect Dobbs. Expanding the court is not packing it. There is no specified number of justices in the constitution. Do your job: Please reply.

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