  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Reject H.R. 9495 - Threat to Free Speech Rights

To: Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler, Rep. Vargas, Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in San Diego, CA

November 15

H.R. 9495 poses a grave threat to free speech and must be rejected. This bill would grant the executive branch sweeping powers to silence critics, censor dissenting voices, and target political opponents under the guise of combating terrorist financing. It risks curbing the activities of civil society organizations, news outlets, universities, and other groups engaged in constitutionally protected speech and advocacy. While provisions to assist hostages are understandable, the broad language in H.R. 9495 goes far beyond that limited purpose. The executive branch already has ample tools to enforce existing laws prohibiting material support to terrorist groups. Granting such unchecked authority to unilaterally sanction organizations would fundamentally undermine First Amendment rights and democratic principles. This precedent of stifling dissent mirrors the repressive tactics used by authoritarian regimes globally. Undermining free speech at home weakens America's moral standing to promote these values abroad. Rejecting H.R. 9495 is crucial to upholding constitutional freedoms and safeguarding the vital role of civil society in holding power to account. A free society depends on robust debate, not unjustified censorship. This misguided legislation must not become law.

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