  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

"Halt Atrocities in Gaza: Demand Accountability and Justice Now"

To: Sen. Schumer, Sen. Gillibrand

From: A constituent in Buffalo, NY

April 28

The ongoing military assault on Gaza has resulted in a devastating death toll, with numerous accusations of crimes committed by the Israeli army. These include mass killings, destruction of infrastructure, deprivation of medical care, arbitrary arrests, torture, and forced displacement. The international community's failure to intervene effectively is alarming. It is crucial to exert pressure to halt these atrocities, lift the Gaza blockade, and hold those responsible accountable. Addressing the root causes of this suffering, such as ending the occupation and settler colonialism, is also essential. The urgency of this situation necessitates immediate action. The pursuit of justice and righteousness demands nothing less.

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