  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Schneider

From: A verified voter in Wheeling, IL

July 21

Hello my name is Michael prochaska and my son Timothy prochaska is in 7th grade in school district 21. He has an disability called ODD and ADHD. He just got kicked out of his placement at safe haven school in lake bluff. I don’t want just send Timmy to residental until we exhaust all our options.  I been talking to some parents from safe haven who kids have ODD and they say sometimes kiddos just need a  different day theraptic school and then there children do better. ODD with Adhd can also be a high form of autism.  We want  to tour and visit some  other therapeutic day schools as well as residental. I not saying residental  isn’t  the answer just would also like to check out other theraptic  day programs schools like new hope academy in Arlington heights before we Agree  send our son some place far away he can’t come home from everyday. The school district is refusing to release his information to any other therapatic day schools. I am emailing you today begging you to advocate for my son so we can make sure we can make the right decision for him. Thank for your time. Mike prochaska 996 Cambridge drive Buffalo grove, Il 60089 8479247901

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