Bradley Schneider


  1. United States
  2. Illinois
  3. Rep. Bradley Schneider

Rep. Bradley Schneider

Map PinGlencoe, IL

Kamala Harris

Please make sure your support for Kamala Harris for President is vocal and unequivocal. This is a time for unity. Thank you.

Verified VoterWheeling, IL

Hello my name is Michael prochaska and my son Timothy prochaska is in 7th grade in school district 21. He has an disability called ODD and ADHD. He just got kicked out of his placement at safe haven school in lake bluff. I don’t want just send Timmy to residental until we exhaust all our options. 

Verified VoterVernon Hills, IL

Unite the Democrat Party Behind our Nominee NOW

It is beyond time for the Democrats to unite and get moving to fight against a fascist takeover by the MAGA party. The drip, drip, drip of people inside our party calling for Biden to step aside is harmful and is going to hand the Presidency to Trump and then our democracy is over. All this in-

Verified VoterNorthbrook, IL


Get it together, Democrats! I stand by Joe Biden and so should you. Let’s get down to the business of campaigning and beat Donald Trump. Too much is at stake to jump to another candidate at this point. Have faith in one of our most experienced politicians! Support Joe Biden and focus on saving democ

Verified VoterNorthbrook, IL


Please voice strong support for the re-election of President Biden. The press is working at dividing America further. This is what Trump wants. Too much is at stake to be changing candidates at the last minute. I will vote Democratic no matter what and you should too. I urge you to listen to the Ame

Write a letter and send it instantly by email, fax, or postal mail. It takes two minutes to be heard.