  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Please give Biden your full support NOW

To: Sen. Markey, Sen. Warren, Rep. Pressley

From: A constituent in Brighton, MA

July 8

I would be lying if I said I wasn't alarmed by President Biden's debate performance. However, he is a good president who has surrounded himself with good people, and I know he will do the same in his second term. I also know that replacing him with a different candidate this close to the election is logistically nearly impossible and would guarantee a Trump victory in November, which this country simply cannot afford. The Democratic politicians who are asking Biden to drop out are actively endangering the country and aiding and abetting the fascist GOP. I am therefore writing to ask you: 1) To the extent that you can influence these people, please do everything possible to get them to stop! 2) Please give Biden your public support to counter the doubts being expressed about his candidacy. This is urgent. Please don't wait. Thank you.

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