Rural opinion on ERA
  1. United States
  2. Minn.
  3. Letter

Rural opinion on ERA

To: Sen. Rasmusson, Rep. Backer

From: A verified voter in Fergus Falls, MN

May 6

The proposed Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment is a vital step towards enshrining fundamental rights and protections for all Minnesotans in the state constitution. This amendment would prohibit discrimination by the state based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, sex - including gender identity and sexual orientation - as well as safeguard reproductive rights. It would cement critical legislation like protections for out-of-state individuals seeking abortions and gender-affirming care. While Minnesota already has non-discrimination laws, amending the constitution ensures these essential rights cannot be rolled back by future legislatures or administrations. As evidenced by recent attacks on transgender individuals and the overturning of Roe v. Wade, codifying these protections at the highest level is crucial. Approving this amendment upholds Minnesota's values of equality, justice, and human rights for all its citizens. I urge you to vote yes on the Equal Rights Amendment to make Minnesota a true leader in defending civil liberties.

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