  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

We need a new candidate for President

To: Rep. Kildee, Sen. Peters, Sen. Stabenow

From: A constituent in Davison, MI

June 28

I think President Joe Biden has done an amazing job and was the person we needed four years ago. However, he will lose this year. I watched the debate last night and I was hoping that President Biden would make the case to all Americans that he is still the candidate we saw back in 2020. He would make it clear that former President Trump is a threat to democracy, a threat to order, and a threat to our future. What we all saw is that President Biden must step aside. It pains me to make that statement, but I can not ignore what I witnessed. Keeping President Biden as the nominee guarantees a Trump second term. I believe that this is the most important election of my lifetime and we must do everything we can to prevent Donald Trump from taking power again. Please do what is needed for our country. I beg of you. Convince President Biden to step aside before the convention. He will not defeat Donald Trump.

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