  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

Regulate business to protect humanity

To: Sen. Hickenlooper, Pres. Biden, Rep. DeGette, Sen. Bennet

From: A constituent in Denver, CO

June 11

The news of Chiquita funding terroristic paramilitary groups, once again highlights the necessity of American businesses’ accountability overseas. Furthermore, the SCOTUS’s opinion to not prosecute Nestlé for human slavery (under the knowledge, of the dark money bribes that have been accepted, from businesses and right-wing sponsors) further exemplifies the corruption that’s inherent in our system. We must act to establish the protections of humanity, at large, by legislating consistency of domestic policies, on American industry. We must require businesses to pay and provide the same benefits and wages, to all laborers— regardless of domestic or international in nature. Doing so would encourage local production and industry again, while reducing the wickedness that unchecked and rampant late-stage capitalism has in the world. Protect humanity, protect our economy, and protect basic human decency.

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