  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Protect American Non-Profits From Government Overreach

To: Sen. Fetterman, Sen. Casey

From: A constituent in West Chester, PA

November 24

HR 9495 Section 4 would allow countless non-profits that do so much to support the American way of life to be dissolved without due process. It is now in the hands of the Senate. If it passes, it would allow a dangerous degree of government overreach into the lives of ordinary, hard-working Americans. For instance, many Americans are turning to food banks to feed their families healthy meals. This bill could jeopardize that, and the many ways non-profits uphold the fabric of American society. The government should never be given the power to strip non-profits of their status, as it is against the freedom America stands for, and against the freedom of assembly granted by our Constitution. So long as Section 4 remains, please do everything in your power to keep this bill from being enacted.

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