  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Support Bangladeshi students' fight against discriminatory quotas

To: Rep. Deluzio, Sen. Fetterman, Sen. Casey

From: A constituent in Pittsburgh, PA

July 21

The ongoing student protests in Bangladesh against the discriminatory quota system have reached a critical point, with violent crackdowns by government forces leaving at least 64 students dead and many more injured. These students, including minors, have faced severe brutality like beatings, tear gas, rubber bullets, and attacks with sharp weapons. The situation is dire, with internet and news channels shut down, isolating the students from the outside world. This systemic discrimination perpetuated by the 56% quota in government jobs and public universities stifles opportunities for many talented individuals based solely on merit. It undermines meritocracy, perpetuates inequality, and deprives the nation of its brightest minds. Immediate intervention is crucial to end the unjust loss of lives, address human rights violations, and pave the way for systemic reforms towards a fairer and more inclusive society. The peaceful protesters, including students from prestigious institutions like Dhaka University, are unwavering in their determination for change, even declaring a "COMPLETE SHUTDOWN." Their voices must be heard globally. International support can help secure a safer future for Bangladeshi students suffering from this brutality. It is time to stand in solidarity with their fight for justice and equality in education and employment opportunities.

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