  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Impeach Justice Clarence Thomas and Reform the Supreme Court

To: Rep. Scholten, Sen. Stabenow, Sen. Peters

From: A verified voter in Grand Rapids, MI

July 11

I am writing to express my profound concern and frustration regarding the recent revelations about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas accepting lavish gifts and trips from billionaire Harlan Crow, including a yacht trip to Russia and a helicopter ride to a palace in President Vladimir Putin’s hometown. These actions, which were not disclosed as required by law, appear to be in direct violation of federal ethics and false-statement laws. This is beyond corrupt and an unacceptable breach of public trust. Justice Thomas’ behavior undermines the integrity of the Supreme Court and erodes public confidence in our judicial system. The fact that a sitting Supreme Court justice could accept such extravagant gifts without consequence is deeply troubling. It is imperative that we hold our highest judicial officials to the highest ethical standards. I strongly urge you to support the call for an investigation into Justice Thomas’ actions and to back Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s efforts in drafting articles of impeachment. It is vital that Justice Thomas be held accountable for his actions. Furthermore, I believe it is time for comprehensive reform of the Supreme Court. At a minimum, the Court should adopt a robust code of ethics to which justices are held accountable. Additionally, I support the implementation of term limits for Supreme Court justices and an expansion of the Court to ensure a more balanced and representative judiciary. The overreach and unchecked power of the Supreme Court must be addressed to preserve the principles of democracy and justice upon which our nation was founded. I urge you to take a stand and work towards meaningful reforms that will restore faith in our judicial system. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to your response and to seeing decisive action taken to address these critical issues.

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