  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Cloud, Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn, Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Bastrop, TX

July 14

It seems yesterday's brutal assault on the Al-Shati and Al-Mawasi refugee camps wasn't enough for Israel. Today, 7/14, the Abu Oreiban UNRWA school in the Nusseriat area serving as a shelter for displaced people was bombed. 70% of casualties taken to the Al-Awda Hospital were women and children. After months of pushing people to the Al-Mawasi area from Rafah for "safety", Israel is just doing the same thing it always has been. Force refugees to a small area, then murder them. In the limited humanitarian aid that's been allowed entry, Israel has found more ways to deny entire shipments by banning all cleaning products. Shampoo, soap, disinfectants, all forms of cleaning for either people or environment. The already rampant spread of disease due to lack of sanitary conditions is only compounded. Scott Anderson, Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator and Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza, said in a recent statement after visiting the Nasser Medical Complex that "With not enough beds, hygiene equipment, sheeting, or scrubs, many patients were treated on the ground without disinfectants. Ventilation systems were switched off due to a lack of electricity and fuel, and the air was filled with the smell of blood." The lack of hygiene products is bad enough, but the magnitude and severity of the injuries of survivors is beyond comprehension. Anderson advised that "“I saw toddlers who are double amputees, children paralyzed and unable to receive treatment, and others separated from their parents...We urgently need a cease-fire, the release of all remaining hostages, respite for the people of Gaza, and a meaningful opportunity for healing to begin.” I demand that you:  – Hold Israel accountable for a permanent, immediate ceasefire, their violations of the Genocide Convention, and gross human rights violations by any means necessary – Call for the immediate end of Israel’s occupation and apartheid and support Palestinians in their fight for freedom and peace – Secure the immediate release and safety of all Palestinians who have been abducted and held captive by Israel, including those whose indefinite detention began prior to 10/7 – Permanently end all monetary, diplomatic, and military aid given to Israel and enforce Leahy Law – Reallocate all funds given to Israel and commit additional resources for ongoing humanitarian relief for Palestinians starting with immediately resuming funding of UNRWA – Immediately withdraw all U.S. troops, military assets, and all other assets deployed throughout the Middle East and cease all actions that further escalate a larger regional conflict – Pass legislation that voids all anti-BDS laws at the federal level – Vote no on H.R. 7521 and any similar legislation proposed

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