  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Hughes, Rep. Krajewski, Gov. Shapiro

From: A verified voter in Philadelphia, PA

January 26

I am writing to you today to urge you to fund SEPTA and other public transit agencies in the Commonwealth. At this crucial time, securing state, local, and federal funding is critical to the transit authoritiea and agencies of Pennsylvania, especially SEPTA. Without it, service cuts and fare increases across all modes, across the entire region, are an unfortunate necessity for FY 2025. These cuts will mean crowded conditions on transit, more congestion on roadways, and the loss of productivity throughout the region. The collapse of SEPTA would have impacts across Pennsylvania, as the southeast region generates 42% of statewide economic activity and 38% of state government’s tax base. Additional government support is needed now and into the future. We cannot let SEPTA be decimated. Fund public transit now!

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