  1. United States
  2. La.
  3. Letter

Concerns about proposed changes to criminal justice and firearm regulations

To: Rep. Hilferty, Sen. Harris, Gov. Landry

From: A constituent in New Orleans, LA

February 9

The proposed changes to lower the age for minors to be tried as adults, lessen firearm ownership requirements, grant immunity to concealed carry users, and limit parole options are concerning. These changes could potentially exacerbate systemic issues, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities. It is crucial to consider the long-term societal implications of these changes. Instead, we urge you to focus on comprehensive reform that addresses the root causes of crime, such as socio-economic disparities. We also recommend maintaining stringent firearm regulations to ensure public safety. Please reconsider these proposed changes and prioritize the well-being of all constituents.

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