  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

Support Biden's candidacy to defeat Trump, safeguard democracy

To: Sen. Gillibrand, Rep. Malliotakis, Sen. Schumer

From: A verified voter in Staten Island, NY

July 9

I understand the growing concerns about President Biden's campaign, but abandoning his candidacy would be a grave mistake for the Democratic Party and the nation. We must unite behind him as the nominee to prevent Donald Trump from regaining power and further endangering our democracy. While Biden may have had a poor debate performance, his decades of experience, steady leadership, and commitment to upholding democratic norms position him as the strongest candidate to defeat Trump's divisive demagoguery. I urge you to convey a clear message of support for Biden's candidacy at this critical juncture. Wavering now would only embolden Trump's increasingly authoritarian movement and demoralize the Democratic base. Biden has proven his ability to win swing states like Pennsylvania and bring together a broad coalition - qualities essential for protecting American democracy from Trump's threats. It is paramount that the party remains unwavering in its backing of Biden as we approach the general election. The consequences of abandoning his candidacy could be catastrophic for the nation's future.

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