  1. United States
  2. Neb.
  3. Letter

Resolution 1386

To: Pres. Biden, Rep. Bacon, Sen. Fischer, Sen. Ricketts

From: A constituent in Valley, NE

September 27

I’m writing you today to ask you stand for House Resolution 1386 and against the extreme politics of Christian nationalism. The Republican Party used to stand for conservative values and small government. I was a lifelong Republican. I cannot stand by the party with the way it is reaching into examination rooms, schools, and other aspects of life that should be under local and personal control. The over reach of Project 2025 is nothing more than oligarchy and monarchy. It is not what Nebraska stands for or needs. It would put our state at risk for so many issues. Our most vulnerable rural people who already get by with the bare minimum will suffer with even less. If we stand by true Nebraska values of community, taking care of each other, and keeping big government out of our business then we keep the Nebraska we know and love. What side of history do you want to be on? The side of extremism or the side of Nebraska values? Voting for House Resolution 1386 will put your name on the side of history who stood against oppression and extremism. Voting for House Resolution 1386 will put your name on the side of history of those who knew right from wrong, good from evil, and the difference between love and hate. Please vote for and support Resolution 1386.

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