- United States
- Maine
- Letter
Quit partisan lies. No tax cuts for super rich, no cuts to social security
To: Sen. Collins
From: A verified voter in Lewiston, ME
December 5
NO more bunkum discredited trickledown economics
I'm sick of electeds who do not do their homework or follow facts.
The deficit has skyrocketed under GOP presidents-- most of all under Trump whose tax cuts and extra security costs while he played golf at his own estates.
I wrote to tell you then that tax cuts for the rich would not help the economy grow. You idiotically persisted in saying that the Trump tax system would help everyone: but guess what it helped your rich donors.
Please acknowledge the success of Bidenomics and the failure of trickledown economics.
Don't persist in wilful ignorance.
If you do, you reveal that you are either too uninformed to be in office or you are a partisan liar distorting the truth to benefit your rich donors.
While I'm asking you to vote with evidence to guide you please acknowledge that social security is not an entitlement and makes up only a minute fraction of the budget.
Do not cut it.