  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

Restructuring Supreme Court review through nationwide judicial panel

To: Sen. Merkley, Rep. Bonamici, Sen. Wyden

From: A constituent in Portland, OR

July 25

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is the highest court in the federal judiciary. This bill proposes significant reforms to the structure and jurisdiction of SCOTUS. Notably, it would abolish SCOTUS's ability to directly review cases from lower courts. Instead, a newly created multi-circuit panel of judges from across the nation's federal appeals courts would have final say over constitutional issues and cases involving the federal government. This panel would require a 70% supermajority to strike down federal laws as unconstitutional. The bill also prohibits nationwide injunctions against federal policies from lower courts, requiring such cases to be transferred to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. These sweeping changes aim to curb the perceived ideological imbalance and unilateral power of the Supreme Court over major legal issues impacting the entire country. By dispersing this authority across a rotating panel of appellate judges, the reforms seek to instill greater ideological balance and consensus in high-stakes judicial review.

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