  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Make Obesity Care Affordable for All

To: Rep. Deluzio, Sen. Fetterman, Sen. Casey

From: A constituent in Imperial, PA

May 29

Obesity is a serious chronic condition that impacts millions of adults ages 60+. As your constituent, I am writing to request that you vote to pass the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA) to ensure that all people with Medicare have equitable access to the full range of obesity treatments. Obesity is linked to over 230 medical conditions and is responsible for an estimated 400,000 deaths annually. Unfortunately, Medicare is prohibited from covering the full range of obesity treatments. This means older adults in greatest need are unable to access proven solutions, such as anti-obesity medications. Beneficiaries under 65 years of age who are covered under private insurance for anti-obesity medications will lose coverage for them once they enroll in Medicare. That includes the Veteran’s Administration and the U.S. Government Office of Personnel Management insurance plans, which now cover anti-obesity medications for their employees and military families. TROA would address these problems by providing coverage for anti-obesity medications under Medicare Part D. These medications are approved by the Food and Drug Administration and are proven to help individuals achieve significant weight loss, thereby reducing the risk of getting chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. TROA also would provide Medicare coverage for the full range of obesity treatments, including nutrition counseling, behavioral therapy, and community-based programs. I hope I can count on your support to ensure that all people with Medicare have equitable access to the full range of obesity treatments. Please do everything you can to ensure Congress passes this legislation quickly.

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