Improve relations with Cuba
  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

Improve relations with Cuba

To: Rep. Bonamici, Sen. Wyden, Sen. Merkley

From: A constituent in Seaside, OR

April 14

I am writing to express my support for bringing forth initiatives to change U.S. policies toward Cuba in order to promote greater engagement with the U.S. and eliminate punitive travel and trade restrictions that have damaged both countries for over 60 years. I was dismayed to learn of the recent inclusion of further sanctions against Cuba within the appropriations bill passed in March to avoid a government shutdown. This is a cowardly and dishonest move to circumvent open discussion on this important issue. Proponents of the continuation of draconian measures against Cuba, including the trade blockade, cite its history of human rights abuse and fear of its communist government structure in close proximity to the United States. The report of the periodic review of the U.N. Human Rights Council issued in November 2023 (UN HRC/WG/6/44/CUB/1) detailed the “broad, deep and comprehensive process of legislative reform taken place in Cuba, which included the strengthening of the legal and institutional framework for the promotion and protection of human rights.’ The report also underscored the ways in which continuing U.S. sanctions has hindered the development of the private sector, American and Cuban citizens’ freedom to exercise rights of association and travel, and the development of a modern Cuban economy. The continuation sanctions and of Cuban’s designation as a “state sponsor of terrorism” is groundless and continues solely to support the political interests of a small group of legislators in Congress. The majority appears not to have the courage or political will to counter this small special interest group and do what is right to end outdated, ineffective and harmful policies that have continued for more than 60 years. I am urging you to lend support to any efforts that are brought forth to improve U.S. relations with Cuba and end the blockade which has caused so much harm.

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