- United States
- Pa.
- Letter
I think we are going down a very wrong path, and the longer we stay on it the longer it will take to get back to decency. Everything that has been going on has been nothing but fear and disaster, and now with our President treating our allies in Ukraine as if they were the enemy is beyond disgusting. We as a country decided Nazis were bad back in WW2, we were the shining beacon on the world. People all over wanted to be part of us. Now, we’ve becoming the things we’ve fought for so long. Not only are we abandoning our friends all over the world, we are abandoning our very neighbors, fellow citizens, decent people in our country all so we can gain favor with one person. Our representatives are not serving their people anymore. Our very institutions are being dismantled, our fellow countrymen are being left to lose their jobs, their health, their freedoms. And where are our representatives? Remember, half of the country did not vote for this, and the half that did probably didn’t understand all that they were voting for. We ALL deserve to be treated with respect and compassion. We put you here, now it’s time you work for us, not for one man who won’t be here in another four years. Don’t let all that we’ve strived for be unraveled so quickly, because when this ship sinks, we are ALL going down with it. Stand up for us, stand up for our allies, don’t let evil and greed take over your humanity. Thank you.