  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Thanks for supporting Biden, now more is needed

To: Sen. Markey, Rep. Pressley, Sen. Warren

From: A constituent in Brighton, MA

July 9

I am glad to see Senator Warren and Representative Pressley in the news supporting President Biden. Thank you to you both for doing the right thing. Senator Markey, I'm disappointed to see that you're still holding out. President Biden has been a good president and deserves our support. Withdrawing from the race this close to the election would be a disaster and would guarantee a Trump victory. Now that we've all had our collective freak-out about his debate performance what he, the party, and the country need is for the Democrats to unite behind him and start attacking the GOP, which well deserves it, rather than each other. Please step up. And all of you, please rein in your colleagues who are agitating for Biden to withdraw. It's terrible tactics and terrible strategy and it needs to stop.

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