Demand better for Gaza
  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

Demand better for Gaza

To: Rep. Carey, Pres. Biden, Sen. Brown, Sen. Vance

From: A verified voter in Dublin, OH

April 17

The despicable violence must end. The fact that we as a nation are tolerating let alone providing unconditional military assistance to a country that is breaking international law, killing civilians indiscriminately, and targeting international aid organizations makes me disgusted to be an American. The American ideals I assume you hold dear to yourself (which likely made you want to run for office in the first place) do NOT align with the actions we are taking as a nation to aid Israel. War crimes are being committed, and the world will remember what we did and did not do to help the Palestinian people. I want to be proud of our country, but pride is conditional on treating other human beings on our planet with the dignity that we would expect to be treated ourselves. Do better for the people of Palestine, do better so that we can live being proud that we acted alongside the values we preach. My vote (along with many others) this coming election is entirely dependent on your actions taken, votes cast, and words spoken about this issue. Do not think that we are not paying attention and that you can skirt around this issue any longer. Do what is right, do what you will be proud to tell your children about, and do what is human. Demand a stop to the unrestricted arms sales to Israel, and demand that Israel abide by the ceasefire resolution that was passed weeks and weeks. How much more death and destruction can you bear to witness?

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