  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

Vote NO to bill s.5384 abolishing the department of education

To: Rep. Deluzio, Sen. Casey, Sen. Fetterman

From: A constituent in Warrendale, PA

November 30

Please vote against the proposed bill s.5384 which is the bill to abolish the education department. School should be a safe and monetarily supported backbone to our country. Ripping out that funding and moving it to the states also guts student programs that are integral to the growth of our country and the minds that are growing up here. Furthermore if we are also expecting the United States to be able to support itself and make products previously imported like complicated computer parts we need the best education in the world. Please please please know that abolishing the department of education is NOT what I want congress to be working on. Vote NO to abolishing the education department.

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