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  1. United States
  2. S.D.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Trump, Rep. Johnson, Sen. Thune, Sen. Rounds

From: A constituent in Box Elder, SD

January 29

No Protect essential services, prevent widespread disruption This plan to offer buyouts to all 2.3 million federal employees will severely disrupt essential government services that millions of Americans rely on. Even a small percentage of employees accepting the offer could grind operations to a halt across agencies handling veterans affairs, travel documents, transportation security, healthcare, food safety, taxes, social security benefits, Energy assistance programs, Medicare Perscription drug coverage, Medical research, educational programs, museums, national cemeteries, National Parks, NOAA, Disaster relief and also diplomatic relations with other nations. The list of affected services is immense. The potential consequences are widespread chaos and a crippled federal workforce unable to serve the public. Concerning aspects include the legally questionable method of circumventing limits on buyout payments by placing departing staff on paid leave. There are also doubts about whether funds will actually be available to compensate employees as promised, given the sources' track record of making commitments they do not keep. Utilizing unofficial channels like a private email server to disseminate this directive raises transparency issues. This drastic workforce reduction appears to be an ill-conceived attempt to force a radical downsizing of the federal government. However, it threatens to sabotage vital services and operations that ensure the basic functioning of our society. A more prudent approach that maintains adequate staffing levels and continuity of operations is needed to prevent severe disruptions that would harm millions of Americans. This misguided and irresponsible attempt at so-called fiscal responsibility does not justify endangering the government's ability to fulfill its Constitutional duties.

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