  1. United States
  2. Maine
  3. Letter

Scotus is in the gutter. Do something. Impeach Clarence Thomas

To: Sen. King, Sen. Collins

From: A verified voter in Lewiston, ME

January 3

Regulate scotus ethics Another day another instance of shocking misconduct at Scotus. It's time for Clarence Thomas to resign or be disciplined or be impeached. At least summon him in to answer questions about his paid for holidays and judicial caprice. "Clarence Thomas ending up as the lone dissenting voice in the first case testing the meaning of a majority opinion HE WROTE (Bruen, on gun control) is just grotesquely incompetent. It's indefensible for the Court to act like this." Yup. Indefensible. Zero credibility. Scotus is in the gutter and it's only going to get worse. Until you act.

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