  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Reinstate federal assault weapon ban to save American lives.

To: Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Nehls, Sen. Cruz

From: A constituent in Meadows Place, TX

December 17

The data clearly shows that banning assault weapons saves lives, preventing mass shootings and reducing casualties. In 2025, you have the opportunity to be a hero by leading the charge to reinstate the federal assault weapons ban. Aligning with the majority of Americans who support stronger gun control measures, championing an assault weapons ban would protect public safety and put you on the right side of history. An assault weapons ban from 1994-2004 prevented around 10 mass shootings, and if it had remained, could have prevented 30 more along with hundreds of deaths and injuries, according to a Northwestern study. I urge you to take decisive action next year and push for this lifesaving policy.

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