  1. United States
  2. Pa.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Casey, Sen. Fetterman

From: A constituent in Sellersville, PA

June 11

As your constituent, I am contacting you because Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accepted an invitation to give a joint address to Congress, and it’s expected this will happen sometime before the August recess. But Netanyahu should not be given this platform. He has used the war in Gaza for his own political gain, insisting on a prolonged military response that has led to the suffering and deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Gaza and has not prioritized reuniting hostages with their families. Even President Biden acknowledges it is completely reasonable to understand Netanyahu’s motivation for continuing the war as political. Netanyahu brags about meddling in US politics and has used past appearances before Congress to undermine President Obama and sabotage other critical peace processes. We should expect him to do the same now. President Biden has laid out a peace deal and is encouraging all parties at the table to take it—the US must use more leverage to close that deal, not give Netanyahu a platform to play partisan politics. You must send a clear message that you do not support the continued bloodshed and slaughter of innocent Palestinians or the disregard for returning hostages to their loved ones. Thank you for your time.

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