  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Pettersen, Sen. Hickenlooper, Sen. Bennet

From: A verified voter in Lakewood, CO

November 20

I am urging you to support the Joint Resolution of Disapproval of continued military aid to the brutal, extremist Government of Benjamin Netanyahu and hi s, and I am outraged and ashamed that my tax dollars are enabling them. s allies. The relentless bombing campaigns, deliberate starvation, assassinations of journalists, and destruction of medical facilities are all war crime I have born witness to the death and destruction wrought with American weapons day after day for over a year now. Because of your lack of conscience, I know what the meat and bone of an infant's leg looks like after it has been blown apart by the Israeli military. I should not know what what that looks l ike. Over 43,000 Palestinians dead, and now the extremist Israeli Government claims Southern Lebanon is actually Northern Israel. The line should have been drawn months ago, but I'm urging you to draw one now and stop providing military aid to fascists. Shame on you if you continue to enable this massacre.

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