Brittany Pettersen


  1. United States
  2. Colorado
  3. Rep. Brittany Pettersen

Rep. Brittany Pettersen

Map PinWheat Ridge, CO

Support Kamala

Now that President Biden has stepped out of the race, I urge you to throw your full weight behind Vice President Harris. We must elect her and keep Trump out of the White House. Democracy itself is at stake. I implore you to endorse, support, and campaign for Harris. We cannot afford another Trump p

Verified VoterLakewood, CO

Stop Israel from this genocide now!! Why are we allowing innocent people to be killed day after day? Please do something.

Map PinArvada, CO

Support the Supporting Abortion Access Act (S. 4554)

The Supporting Abortion Access Act (S. 4554) is a crucial bill that aims to protect reproductive rights and ensure access to abortion services across the United States. This legislation seeks to counteract regressive state laws that unduly restrict or criminalize abortion, putting the health and wel

Verified VoterWestcliffe, CO

Keep Biden on the ballot!!!

I have watched a very small group of US Senators and Representatives call for President Biden to step aside. I’ve not seen anything near the same from the voters I interact with. It just isn’t feasible at this late date to get a new nominee on the various state ballots. Not to mention the resulting

Verified VoterFlorissant, CO

Hello Democrats?!? What are you doing? THIS is why I am an Independent voter. You all look like House Republican fools trying to find a Speaker. YOU are the reason Biden will fail because you all can't get off your bottoms and support the President! This circular firing squad shows you are wish wash

Map PinDenver, CO

In order to defeat fascism from taking over in November if trump is elected, we must back Joe Biden. Dividing the ticket, calling for him to quit, pearl clutching at the ad nauseam reporting by the media about Joe Biden’s age when there are much more concerning stories like Project 2025 and the Epst

Verified VoterFlorissant, CO

Good Day, First and Foremost, I want to thank you for your service. The DNC nominated HRC even after the country voiced their need to see change. Berni e was the people's choice to beat DJT. Please stand with Joe Biden. Full stop.

Verified VoterIndian Hills, CO

We, and you, cannot simply roll over in this catastrophic and unprecedented ruling by the supreme Court. We have compromised supreme Court justices who have a clear and obvious agenda to support ex-president Trump and create a dictatorship rather than democracy. We cannot allow this to happen withou

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