  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Padilla, Rep. Huffman, Pres. Biden, Sen. Butler

From: A verified voter in Forest Knolls, CA

July 11

I’m a strong supporter of the Democratic Party and of the party’s efforts to fight climate change and to make life better for all Americans. President Biden has done a wonderful job in office but he needs to step aside and hand the reins to Harris or one of our other great leaders. Everything he worked so hard for will be destroyed by a new Trump administration. This is a must win election. I don’t think the President has even sat down and watched what we saw in the debate. He lived it but that’s not the same as viewing it from the outside. We all must urge him to stand behind a new candidate. He has done a fantastic job and the stress of it all has taken a toll. All good presidents are aged by the job. President Biden needs to let a fresh leader carry the torch. For the good of the country.

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