  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

It’s time for Joe to pass the torch

To: Sen. Wyden, Sen. Merkley, Rep. Bonamici

From: A verified voter in Portland, OR

July 6

Biden’s latest interview sadly cements my view that he needs to step aside, and I ask that you use your platform and voice to that end. He is centering himself and making the election about him versus Trump, effectively placing himself over party *and* country. The stakes are too high for us to put all of our egg in this basket. Quite frankly, as a 34 year old, Democratic Precinct Committee-person, I will have to live with the damage done to our party and more importantly our country if Biden loses. Trying our best is not going to cut it. Please, respectively ask Biden to “teach them how to say goodbye” for all of our sakes.

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