  1. United States
  2. Ala.
  3. Letter


To: Rep. Palmer, Sen. Britt, Sen. Tuberville

From: A constituent in Hoover, AL

September 5

As an American and a gun owner, I believe in the 2nd amendment. As a mother to a precious little girl, I am horrified by how we have changed gun rights to gun worship in this state and in our country. I was heartbroken and enraged yet again this week to read about another deadly school shooting that could have been prevented. The majority of Americans support common sense gun laws like background checks, waiting periods, red flag laws, and requirements for permits and safe storage. But our federal and state laws desperately need reform! We need our leaders to stop giving the NRA and gun lobbies control, and to make these changes happen. It is your responsibility to protect your fellow Americans - especially your most vulnerable constituents, our children. Please do all you can to introduce and support gun safety laws NOW. It’s past time we choose our children over unfettered access to weapons.

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