  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

Your vote on the NDAA and its trans care ban

To: Sen. Duckworth, Sen. Durbin

From: A verified voter in Chicago, IL

December 19

I am writing to you after you have voted for the NDAA spending bill which strips trans care for veterans and their families. As a trans woman, I extremely upset that the senators from my home state allowed Republicans to bully them into banning critical healthcare for service members. I realize the importance of this bill, but I think it shows extreme cowardice for you not to call their bluff on this issue. Even more than banning healthcare universally acknowledged by doctors as lifesaving, this capitulation makes me think Democrats learned nothing. I know you have spoken up on the behalf of trans people before, for which I am grateful. However, since the election the Democrats seem to have forgotten all they said about Trump and the Republican agenda being dangerous. If you truly believe they represent a threat to democracy, why do you insist on letting them get away with this kind of assault on our rights? If you cannot stand up for us and other marginalized people, step aside so someone else can. I know you have the capacity to be fierce defenders of your constituents -- I expect you to do so at every opportunity, especially now. Otherwise, I will have no issue voting for anyone who opposes you in the primary who will speak up for us.

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