  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Butler, Rep. Gomez, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in Los Angeles, CA

September 24

I’m writing in support of the “No Kings Act,” introduced by Leader Schumer in August. This bill would reassert Congress’s constitutional authority and curb the judiciary’s unchecked power. The "No Kings Act" addresses several key issues: Congressional Authority Under Article III: The No Kings Act uses Congress’s constitutional authority under Article III to set "Exceptions" and "Regulations" to the Supreme Court's appellate jurisdiction. This power has been historically recognized as an important tool to limit the Court's reach, particularly when it comes to cases that could undermine democratic governance. Neutralizing the Trump v. United States Decision: Leader Schumer’s legislation aims to counteract the Supreme Court’s decision granting former President Trump—and all presidents—immunity from prosecution for official acts. By removing lower courts' jurisdiction over presidential immunity and removing the Supreme Court’s appellate authority in this context, the No Kings Act asserts Congress’s constitutional role in preserving the rule of law and ensuring accountability at the highest levels. Legal Safeguards: The bill also limits the Supreme Court's ability to review the bill's constitutionality, thereby reinforcing Congress’s role in determining the boundaries of judicial authority. This is not only a constitutionally justified action but also a necessary measure to protect democratic norms from judicial overreach. If we don’t set limits on the power of a sitting president, or on our out-of-control Supreme Court, our democracy will suffer—greatly. Please support the No Kings Act. Thanks.

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