  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Mental health action

To: Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Hunt, Sen. Cruz

From: A constituent in Houston, TX

September 11

The current reimbursement system for mental health providers is significantly inequitable compared to other healthcare professionals. Physicians and healthcare providers can see up to six patients per hour, while mental health providers, by default, can only see one client per hour in psychotherapy. This disparity results in a substantial difference in reimbursement rates. Moreover, recent trends show that populations have become more aware of mental health issues and their impact on physical health, work efficiency, productivity, and the overall economy of the country. Mental health providers recognize their value, leading to an increase in pay rates across the country. However, insurance companies have either not increased reimbursement rates or have done so at a minimal fraction, such as a few dollars only. Consequently, the system has become unsustainable for providing coordinated mental health services in group practices or clinics due to this pay discrimination. Solo providers, therapy group practices, mental health clinics, behavioral health facilities, and substance use treatment centers are now at risk of closing down, which will ultimately affect the entire population and the country's economy. The shift to out-of-network care, while providing some relief for providers, places a significant financial burden on patients. This transition often results in higher out-ofpocket costs, sometimes triple the amount of in-network services, making mental health care unaffordable for many. At a time when the demand for mental health services has surged by over 40%, the move towards out-of-network care is threatening to severely limit access to essential services for our most vulnerable populations. I urge you to consider legislative measures to support mental health professionals and their patients further. Specifically, we need to address the systemic barriers to accessing in-network mental health care by investigating reimbursement rate disparities, strengthening oversight and enforcement of mental health parity laws, and providing funding and resources to expand the mental health workforce and improve provider directory accuracy. Your support is crucial in enacting these changes swiftly. By prioritizing these issues in your legislative agenda and supporting the passage of measures that provide substantial relief to both mental health providers and those they serve, you will make a significant difference in improving mental health care accessibility and quality, thereby positively impacting many lives. We are requesting your support to raise this critical issue and include it in voting ballots, advocating for the mental health industry and the well-being of the country's population. We urge you to support an increase in the reimbursement rates for mental health providers by a minimum of 200%. This crucial step will ensure the sustainability of mental health services and contribute to the overall well-being of our society and economy.

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